The Middleton's

I had the honor of photographing my cousin's wedding in Oklahoma. Such a beautiful couple and their daughters were as cute as can be. Congratulations Jereme and Sheree!

For more pictures click here.

The Mileur's

I photographed the sweetest family the other day. Their little boy knew more about football than I did! Their daughter was so sweet and her smile charismatic! Thank you Mileur family for allowing me to capture your beautiful family on film!

The Gauntt's

I'm so blessed to watch families grow. I took this couple's engagement pictures and now they have a beautiful baby boy who was sweet, mysterious and fun all in the same smile! Here are some of my favorites.

The Stillers

This couple wanted to add a hint of Texas flavor to their Christmas cards this year since they have recently moved back to Texas; so we headed out for a photo shoot by the Dallas skyline. The weather was great and the couple open to just about anything.

The Plaiance's

Last week I shot a family of 6, with the youngest being 2! They were such a fun family.

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